Counter-Current Pool at Chulalongkorn University

Reference - University of Bangkok

The Counter-Current Pool at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok …

Sports and fitness area
Sports and fitness area

… is actually made of plastic material. The pool features a specifically designed steel frame as bracing.

The counter-current pool is available in various sizes and dimensions, according to our clients needs

The pool facilitates very individual swimming training in streaming water. It helps you to boost your overall fitness with exercises for better strength, endurance, speed and agility. You can intensify your training with all sorts of different equipment and accessories. Or, in other words, this counter-current pool can be your very own high-class gym where you are your own personal trainer.

But it doesn’t stop there: After your training, don’t forget to enjoy the relaxing whole-body massage of the pool’s streaming water.

And, last but not least: why not use water balls, noodles or balloons to make your counter-current pool training – whether by you.

Verbesserung der Beweglichkeit, Ausdauer  und Schnelligkeit
Verbesserung der Beweglichkeit, Ausdauer und Schnelligkeit

Technical Specifications:

Pool Size:
7,00 m x 2,50 m x 1,35 m (L x W x D)

Flow Rate:
0 - 1,8 m/s

Drives: 3 Drives each 30 kW

Realization: 2014

