Canoe Racing Counter-Current Pool Potsdam ...

... at the Olympic training centre in Potsdam is worldwide unique in its kind.
Water flow speeds of up to 6.50 m/s allow competition training for single and double canoes. Using competition-level techniques, endurance, strength and speed can effectively be trained in this highly-efficient flume.
Sophisticated measuring equipment meets the highest requirements of IT-based training under consistent external conditions. Athletes and trainers alike highly appreciate all these reproducible top-class conditions which are ideally suited for performance diagnosis.
Technical Specifications:
Pool Size:
9,70 m x 3,90 m x 0,90 m (L x W x D)
Flow Rate: 0 - 6,5 m/s
Drives: 2 Drives each 250 kW
Realization: 1983
Modernization & Refurbishment:
1. 1994
2. 1999