Rehabilitation & Health

Rehabilitation & Health

Streaming Water in Rehabilitation
Streaming Water in Rehabilitation

Healing Benefits of Streaming Water in Rehabilitation

Compared to still water, streaming water offers many valuable benefits. It is measureable, reproducible, highly efficient and, at the same time, provides for the well- being of the patient. It provides completely new therapy opportunities for rehabilitation. TZ counter-current pools for therapy, rehabilitation and prevention purposes are particularly recommendable for rehab clinics, out-patient institutions and physiotherapeutical practices that offer hydrotherapy.

Counter-Current Pools for Health and Rehabilitation

Counter-current pools by the TZ Leipzig are especially well suited for out-patient rehabilitation and physiotherapeutical facilities. Using the hydrostatic and dynamic effects of water (e.g. whole-body massage effect, vascular training, technical and movement coordination training), treatments in streaming water are much efficient compared to still water-based treatments. Specific findings from relevant theses and promotion have proved these facts.


The Perfect Training
The Perfect Training

A gradual water speed increase ensures a systematic change of endurance intensity. In order to fulfil performance requirements, water speeds must be exactly reproducible - a feature that is serially integrated in TZ counter-current pools.

With water speeds of 0.1 – 1.4 m/s most versatile therapeutic goals can be achieved. Our TZ counter-current pool has a partial, i.e. not across the total pool surface, streaming „strip“ that facilitates the installation of convenient stairs in the pool area where the water remains still. This ensures alternating periods of strain and relaxation for patients and exercise group participants. In case of incidents, participants can leave the pool in a safe manner via the stairs. For severely disabled patients, we recommend the installation of a specific lift. We will provide you with competent and comprehensive advice for your project.

The Perfect Training ... and More ...!

Modern streaming water technology features and the large number of possible pool exercises fulfill highest demands with regards to body coordination. As such, the TZ counter-current pool provides the perfect training for health and leisure sports purposes, for patients and health spa guests alike. At the same time, the soothing warm- water flow guarantees spa-like well-being and relaxation – two factors that are essential for a successful training and therapy.

In streaming water all parts of the body need to „work“ simultaneously - nothing a bike or a treadmill can actually do for you. The warm water and a constant „underwater body massage“ will be enjoyed by everyone – even if you cannot swim (yet).

