The Swimming Flume at the IAT Leipzig ...

...for swimmers embodies scientific and technical state-of-the-art. Worldwide unique in its kind, it offers an interdisciplinary approach i.e. to opportunity for different scientists and their partners from various practical fields to boost individual athletes’ performance.
If the flume’s controlled and exactly reproducible current speed is consistently applied in training and performance diagnostics (in the “water ergometer”) - which constitutes an integral part of the basic training concept - its users benefit from an excellent competitive advantage.
Essential training parameters for the flume include:
- Endurance training (basic endurance I and II)
- Speed training (competitive situation with simulated “rival”)
- Technique training and analysis of motion sequences (feeling for water, rhythm and speed)
- Strength training (endurance increase with defined resistance)
- Competition in training and prognosis training (competition simulation)
Another advantage:
The TZ flume facilitates respiratory gas analysis right on the spot, during training!
The flume has been extended to integrate canoeing training and now accommodates one- and twosome slalom boats. A floor beam holds a fastening device for boat and strap mounts. A safety harness fastened to that strap mount supports athletes during training. The slideable bridge over the flume is equipped with a small platform for easy access. When not in usage, i.e. when the water is still, the fold-up stair platform can be pushed to the side. At the integrated position indicator, athletes can check whether they maintain the position and fulfill training requirements.

Technical specifications:
Pool Size:
7,00 m x 4,00 m x 1,50 m (L x W x D)
Adjustable to 3 depths
Flow rate: 0 - 2,5 m/s
Drives: 3 Drives each 55 kW
Additional Equipmentg:
Foldable Handlebar
Patient Lift
Retractable Stairs
Movable Floor
Control and Measuring Computer
Remote Control
Motion Detection System
Video Projector
Underwater Window
Commissioning: 2008
Retrofitting: 2010
Modernization: 2012