Research and Development
The main focus of research and development activities at the company TZ is on counter-current swimming and recreational pools (flumes / flow channels). These are produced in various configurations for use in competitive and recreational swimming, medical rehabilitation and also health and fitness.
The first system of this kind was installed at the research institute for physical culture and sports (FKS) in Leipzig, former East Germany, in 1972. Ever since then, there has been great demand for further development of counter-current pools from the point of view of fluid dynamics, engineering and energy consumption. By 1978 another ten swimming flumes had been built in East Germany, and the only flume / channel for canoeing in the world, in Potsdam, was added to the list in 1981/82.
TZ has been building counter-current pools for numerous applications (including wild water channels) all over the world since 1990. More than 15 national and international patents for the systems have been registered over the years, establishing their leading global position.
In addition, TZ has been entrusted with special development tasks in a large variety of research projects since 1976, thanks to its special structure based on research, development and also manufacturing.
Particular mention should be made of the reactors for biological process engineering operated jointly with Anhalt University of Applied Sciences and LINBEC UG in Köthen and also with the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig. They were used in the following research projects.
- Cooperation project (KF) as part of the “BioChancePlus-3” programme
Funding ID: 0315160 A-C, Duration 01.01.2008 to 31.03.2011
“Development of a process for production of lutein from coccal green algae”
Cooperation partners:
LINBEC UG, Köthen/Anh., Dipl.-Braumeister E. Loettel
Anhalt University of Applied Sciences (FH), Köthen/Anh., Prof. Dr. Carola Griehl
TZ Technisches Zentrum Entwicklungs- & Handelsgesellschaft mbH, Leipzig, Dipl.-Ing. W. Fitzner Joint project of BMF, KMU-Innovativ-8,
Funding ID: 0316072 A-C, Duration: 01.11.2011 to 31.10.2015
“Development of a semi-continuous cultivation and reconditioning method for production of bioactive substances from micro algae”
Cooperation partners:
LINBEC UG, Köthen/Anh., Dipl.-Braumeister E. Loettel
Anhalt University of Applied Sciences (FH), Köthen/Anh., Prof. Dr. Carola Griehl
TZ Technisches Zentrum Entwicklungs- & Handlungsgesellschaft mbH, Leipzig, Dipl.-Ing. W. Fitzner
- Joint project with the Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR e.V.), acting as project owner for the BMEL for the renewable resources funding programme
Funding ID: 22018415 (UFZ), 22029315 (TZ), Duration: 01.04.2016 to 30.11.2019
“Co-cultivation of algae and yeasts for environmentally friendly production of biofuels and carboxylic acid (CoKult)”
Cooperation partners:
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig, T. Papert
TZ Technisches Zentrum Entwicklungs- & Handelsgesellschaft mbH, Leipzig, Dipl.-Sportl., BW H. Keller
LINBEC UG, Köthen/Anh., Dipl.-Braumeister E. Loette
The R&D work by LINBEC (and BEC) in the field of process and product development was carried out in various clusters with Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in Köthen/Anh., UFZ Leipzig and TZ GmbH Leipzig.
- TZ developed an innovative gas filter device in 2015 for removal of hydrogen sulphide and other odorous components. The device is intended for use in processing plants that use animal and plant-based raw materials, industrial water treatment plants and sewer systems. It was protected with an EU and a national patent and is now used in industrial production applications. The filter reliably purifies gas flows of up to 6,000 m³/h.
- A flow channel for research purposes was also built at the Institute of Fluid Mechanics, Technische Universität Dresden.